Trump And Cruz

Trump And Cruz

Mr Cruz's advisers had targeted Indiana as the senator's best hope of halting Mr Trump's march to the nomination. However, polls show Mr Trump with a sizeable lead in the mid-western state. If Mr Trump wins Indiana, the New York businessman will likely reach the required 1,237 delegates to secure the nomination and avoid such a scenario.

However, a Sanders win in Indiana would do little to erase Mrs Clinton's commanding lead.The Clinton campaign has shifted its focus to other states, opting not to actively campaign or spend money in Indiana.

Mr Trump told supporters on Monday that he is eager turn his attention to the general election.

"You know if we win it's over, and then I can focus," he said at a campaign rally in the state. Mr Cruz cannot get enough delegates to win the nomination outright, but hopes he can still deprive Mr Trump of a majority. He has thrown considerable resources into the state in recent days.

Indiana was supposed to be where Ted Cruz stopped Donald Trump's recent east coast winning streak.

A Monday afternoon campaign event in the tiny town of Marion, Indiana (population 29,000) gave a taste of what Mr Cruz is up against.

Well according to debates and whatsoever The election is the 58th quadrennial United States presidential election and will be held on November 8, 2016. The presidential primaries and caucuses are being held between February 1 and June 14, 2016, staggered among the 50 states, Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories.

Related: Is Indiana Last Chance For Cruz? The New York Elections

Instead the primary on Tuesday could prove his final undoing. A Monday afternoon campaign event in the tiny town of Marion, Indiana (population 29,000) gave a taste of what Mr Cruz is up against.

"Lyin' Ted!" they shouted, echoing a favourite Trumpian insult. "Do the math!" they taunted, in reference to the insurmountable deficit Mr Cruz faces in the all-important convention delegate count.

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