PM David Cameron

PM David Cameron

MANCHESTER: British Prime Minister said, Vladamir Putin's decisions to take military action in Syria to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was a terrible mistake.

"They are backing the butcher Assad, which is a terrible mistake for them and for the world. It is going to make the nation unstable," Cameron told the BBC. Russia this week struck at targets in Syria, a dramatic escalation of foreign involvement of the civil war. Standard Media Reported

"Most of the Russian airstrikes, as far as we have been able to see so far, have been part of Syria not controlled by Islamic State," Cameron said

SEE MORE: UK-MP, Cameron says Rusia Military in Syria "terrible mistake"

Story Continued from Article ID: 2000178139

A British govt official familiar with the negotiations around the Defence Co-Operation yesterday told Standard Media that the agreement had been worked out for the five year old constitution.

The old deal was to lapse this month but President Kenyatta and Cameron agreed to six-month extension when they met on the sidelines of the United Nations Assembly in New York, US. Under the new agreement, the British military will train at-least 10,000 of its soldiers every year in three batches, with at least 3,000 troops spending six weeks in training.

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